
Weekly Friday Tournament

I would like to thank all of the players and parents who have supported Houston's newest scholastic chess club. Because of your enthusiasm, Friday evening tournaments will now be a regular event. Look forward to seeing more regularly scheduled tournaments (rated and unrated) on the weekend and weekdays.

Event: 3 Rounds. Unrated G/30 We will follow all USCF rules as well as the Chess Club rules for conduct. 
When: Friday August 1, 2008. The first round begins promptly at 6:00 pm. 
Entry fee: $10 for Members $15 for Non-Members*
Registration: E-mail jeffreyashton@gmail.com to reserve a spot.
This tournament will be limited to the first 24 people on a first come first serve basis. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early with your own chess set, clock, pencil and notation sheets. We have a limited amount of extra chess sets. Notation sheets are available.
Location: 9900 Westpark Houston, TX 77025. The office number is 106 and it is on the first floor (turn right after you enter the front door).
Visit http://www.chesspanda.com to see tournament results, list of pre-registered players, Panda Point updates, and other information related to the club.

*For a limited time I am allowing all players to pay the members rate.

Thank you all for supporting Houston's first and only full time scholastic chess club.